Yes, its the real zaah :)

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Joined: Sat Sep 27, 2003 2:07 pm

Yes, its the real zaah :)

Post by Zaah! » Sat Sep 27, 2003 2:13 pm

Hey everyone,
I know i have a lot of explaining to do, so here goes..

I left DAoC without saying goodbye to any of my close friends/gamers, and I am sorry to all that might feel betrayed. Reason I left, my step-dad just died from liver cancer (very evil and quick) and my mom didn't want to live out here with all of his friends/relitives, so she moved back into her old house in norway. Fact of the matter is, She needed money to move, well, I thought i could make a good $350+ so i decided to sell my account to help her move. Anyway, someone did end up buying, which i have refunded and have got back. Anyway, why I am here is to formally appologize, and possibly reunite what friends i had before i parted with DAoC. Thanks for your time !

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Post by Nain » Sat Sep 27, 2003 2:25 pm

Hi Zaah - welcome back and I'm glad you IRL stuff is resolved :)

Gonna wait a few days on putting up a vote on you, so people can see for themselves you're for real. Group with us as much as you can.

I believe you, but no reason to rush anything as they say.
- Von der gnyden in der hyden. Ich biehn gerauss von der hier!

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Post by Baylok » Sat Sep 27, 2003 9:57 pm

Sorry about the RL issues you've been going through. Glad to have you back, Zaah.

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